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Dudu Osun soap rebirths the celebrated natural African black soap. Famed for its regenerative and healing properties, the black soap reputation precedes it everywhere its mentioned. Made from a blend of herbs and mixed with aloe vera, Dudu Osun is often favored for being constituted of pure, natural ingredients without any artificial active agents, additives, or preservatives. Hence, you never have to worry about adverse or allergic reactions.With Aloe vera, citrus juices, and organic ash providing a healthy dose of vitamins, the black soap is proven to help restore and revitalize damaged skin and help combat skin conditions like eczema, acne, freckles, and dark spots. Thanks to the combination of shea butter, cocoa pod ash, and palm ash, Dudu Osun is efficient with oil control and works well with all skin types, keeping your skin clog-free and fighting against premature facial lines and wrinkles