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Neem oil is the byproduct of the neem tree. It’s a natural oil extracted from the tree’s seeds and fruits. Neem Oil has been used in the subcontinent for hundreds of years to empowering the immune system, detoxifying blood, improving liver function, managing a healthy circulatory, digestive and respiratory system.

Neem Oil works perfectly for moisturizing skin, improving skin tone, treating hair loss, improving hair growth, bringing hair shine, fighting against cancer symptoms, and many more.

How is neem oil for hair beneficial?
Neem oil for hair benefits you in the following way:

Neem oil makes your hair dandruff free
This oil treats hair lice
Neem oil not only freshen up your hair but also reduces grays
Neem oil for hair conditions your scalp and make it irritation-free
It promotes healthy and long hair.
This oil temporarily seals hair follicles.
How to use neem oil for hair?
The topical approach of neem oil is an excellent way to use it. Some people prefer taking oral supplements instead of oil.

However, both topical and oral approach has benefits, but you should start with one method and observe how your body reacts.

Topical neem oil
Take a few drops of neem oil for like 5 to 10 drops.
Massage oil directly into your scalp.
Leave the oil in your hair for 20 to 30 minutes.
Now, wash your hair with your regular shampoo.

Why neem oil for plants as an insecticide?
Neem oil is nature’s gift for plants. Neem oil for plants effects on over two hundred species of plant-feeding insects. This includes bugs, thrips, whiteflies, mushroom flies, and fungi flies.

Neem oil contains an element called Azadirachtin, which is a natural insecticide.

Spraying neem oil in the garden
Neem oil does not only have insecticide properties for your gardens. You can make your neem oil spray.

Don’t start spraying neem oil in your gardens blindly. Make sure to test the spray on small plants and then apply them to the infected ones.

Bottom line
Neem oil overall scalps hair health and very useful for plants to kill the fungi and bacteria. Always make sure to consult with your doctor before using neem oil for hair or skin.