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Tea Tree Oil serves a perfect fit!
Tea Tree Oil, known as melaleuca oil too, is an essential oil distilled from an Australian plant leaves, is the limelight to treat various skin and hair diseases. The multipurpose oil treats severe skin problems like acne and hair problems like dandruff and scalp flakiness. This oil, full of miracles oil, is inexpensive and is within reach of every person. It also spreads a charming fragrance to come over the underarm and feet odor though most properties deal with skin issues. Rigel Herbal Tea Tree Oil has been producing beautiful results overall since it has been launched. This Tree Oil is also an anti-inflammatory remedy to cure chicken pocks, cuts & infections, cold sores, athlete’s foot issues, etc.

Tea tree oil is sturdy than trashy bacteria
It contains some specific constituents to kill creepy bacteria and treat hair and skin health problems as well.

It contains enough number of compounds like terpinene-4-ol, instrumental in killing harmful bacteria.
Tea Tree oil is an undiluted oil that is specially designed for skin
Terpinene -4-ol increase the white blood cells, eventually resulting in fighting better with germs and other invaders and act as a remedy to treat bacterial and fungal infections of the skin.

The matchless Use Of Tea Tree Oil
From promoting healthy skin to all-purpose cleaner for home, Use Of Tea Tree Oil has shown significant results.

It is one of the elite hand sanitizers, as told by studies.
It may also be used as a chemical-free natural mouth wash
The recent researches have proven it helps in boosting wounds healing
Rigel Herbal Tea Tree Oil helps in keeping away the insects as well.
It is also widely used to remove nail fungus giving beautiful nails.

Tea Tree Oil Acne is prodigious!
The anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial effects of Tea Tree Oil Acne is a perfect fixture to calm redness, swelling, and inflammation. An active ingredient to clear up the skin from acne marks and scars and leave your skin soft and supple.

How to use: Merge 2 to 3 a few drops of tea tree oil with few drops of other essential oil like Lavender Oil. Use it as a toner all over the day to fight against acne issues, including scars, face wash, and a moisturizer.

Tea Tree Oil Hair is going to give shiny hairpiece
Tea Tree Oil Hair keeps the hair moisturize and healthy and leaves such a lustrous glow that can get sparkling attention by removing the dead skin cells and dandruff from the scalp.

Just apply a mixture of Tea Tree Oil and Coconut Oil and let it sit for 20 minutes. Try to use a shampoo containing the same oil then rinse it off. You are all set to go out with super-shiny and super-soft hair.

Risks and contingencies:
Always purchase this oil from a well-known seller as, when it is used as a topical treatment, it can cause severe allergies if not of good quality. Never try to swallow it, as it can cause nausea, vomiting, hallucinations, and stomach ache as well.

Choose Rigel Herbal for pure and fresh oils
Rigel is the foremost choice of people due to its best quality products. With pocket-friendly costs and refined quality lubricants, we have been striving to make our name from ages. Take us into your top consideration, as we:

Always provide pure and fresh oils.
Oils without any synthetic component.
Provide a 100% money-back guarantee if the oil is rotten.
Provide quick delivery.